Image depicting 2024 award recipient of Muriel A. Howard Presidential Award. From left to right interim CDO, Lisa Fronckowiak, Dr. Morales, interim president Dr.Durand, interim VP of student affairs Dr. Brumfield

Dr. Muriel A. Howard Presidential Award

The Dr. Muriel A. Howard Presidential Award for Equity and Campus Diversity recognizes faculty and staff who have gone beyond their usual duties to promote respect for diversity and individual differences. They have accomplished this through classroom discussions, curricular experiences, out-of-classroom activities, projects, discussions, or special mentorships that go beyond what is usually expected as a part of their regular job expectations or teaching assignment.

  • The deadline for 2025 applications is March 21, 2025. 
Application for the Dr. Muriel A. Howard Presidential Award

Special Program Recognition Award

The 2006-2007 President's Council on Equity and Campus Diversity established the Special Program Recognition Award. This award recognizes programs that have made a special effort to promote equity and diversity through student involvement, curricular development, and/or special projects and activities that go above and beyond what is usually expected as part of their regular function.  This award honors the nominee who recognizes an opportunity to share the value of diversity on campus and carries out the same. 

Previous Winners


Special Program Recognition Awards Nomination Form
Image depicting 2024 award recipient for Special Programs. From left to right interim CDO, Lisa Fronckowiak, Dr.Setele , interim president Dr.Durand, interim VP of student affairs Dr. Brumfield

Social Justice Faculty Externship

The Equity and Campus Diversity Office and the Civic and Community Engagement Office are opening the application process for two faculty Social Justice Faculty Externship opportunities for summer 2024. This summer partnership initiative focuses on collaborative faculty-community partner connections that deepen understanding and build opportunities to expand and strengthen equity and justice in our community. The faculty member and community organization each receive financial benefits and funds for materials through a summer partnership focused on learning and sharing. Faculty participants will engage in learning opportunities with community organizations that provide leadership in addressing issues of social justice and will work to extend their learning to students through curricular change. At the same time, the organizations will benefit through faculty time and attention to a project using the faculty member’s skills and experiences. Please review the details and application materials and contact Lisa Morrison-Fronckowiak or Laura Hill Rao, director of civic and community engagement, with questions.

To learn more about the externship